Showing records 1 to 25 from 80, page 1 of 4

Name Rank Points Kills Deaths KDR Play Time
Sakhan 8 1,012 334 131 2.55 3:11:15
Bluker 42 186 59 26 2.27 2:48:57
gunguy 22 528 166 75 2.21 2:18:57
Tope 10 906 336 155 2.17 3:46:51
[idk] Willy (no voip) 20 557 189 102 1.85 2:25:03
Infrequent 11 782 276 151 1.83 3:21:10
QETC 48 134 56 31 1.81 0:54:06
Cokie 1 2,585 570 410 1.39 11:40:26
xx 5 1,659 471 341 1.38 6:26:09
Seal 72 49 16 12 1.33 0:46:19
bauxite 16 616 199 154 1.29 3:26:30
Syrphern 6 1,558 395 311 1.27 7:34:53
aridian 45 149 53 42 1.26 0:58:21
Fairy 56 104 27 22 1.23 0:42:52
alpha 7 1,045 326 268 1.22 3:58:18
[idk] ProLootGoblin 36 298 111 93 1.19 1:41:44
Deathy 58 97 25 21 1.19 0:45:36
near oasis 17 608 169 142 1.19 2:50:29
Dur`Rean 70 54 19 16 1.19 0:18:51
Maddus_ 49 133 37 33 1.12 0:40:20
Pepper 13 704 256 229 1.12 5:49:57
4RM0 37 295 79 71 1.11 1:38:23
Thanatos 15 637 206 198 1.04 3:18:25
muted 26 432 102 102 1.00 1:58:42
Cipollino 59 96 34 34 1.00 0:41:27

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